Okinawa UDS Ltd.
Important Notice

Basic policy against customer abuse of employees

1. Purpose
Okinawa UDS Co., Ltd. strives to improve all the services and related skills we provide so that our customers can spend their time safely with comfort. In order to provide such high-quality services to our customers impartially, we have established basic guidelines against harassment or abuse by customers from the perspective of protecting our employees.

2. Supposition of customer abuse
We comply with the "Corporate Manual for Customer Harassment Measures" published by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.
The target of the supposition is mainly subject to the case where; “Among complaints and disruptive behavior by customers or others, and in light of the validity of the content of the request derived from such complaints and behavior, the means and manners to satisfy the request are deemed inappropriate in terms of social convention and harmful to the working environment of our employees.”
Please note that the scope is not limited to the following requests or acts enumerated below.

a. Requests and acts that are likely considered inappropriate regardless of their validity

・Physical aggression (assault, injury)
・Psychological aggression (threat, slander, defamation, insults, abusive language)
・Coercive speech and behavior
・Excessive request for apology (request for prostration -apology on one’s knees)
・Continuous (repeated), persistent (obstinate) behavior
・Restrictive behavior (forcible detainer, sit-in, confinement)
・Discriminatory speech and behavior
・Sexual speech and behavior
・Personal attacks and demands against a particular employee

b. Requests that may be deemed inappropriate in light of their validity

・Demand for exchange of goods
・Demands for monetary compensation
・Demand for apology ( other than prostration included in the list above)

c. Other nuisance behaviors by customers

・Time restraint (prolonged restraint exceeding one hour)
・Acts to reveal individual’s personal information ( social media post / name disclosure)
・Unpermitted video or filming that identifies individuals ( illegal act )

3. Measures against customer abuse
We will ask for rational discussion in order to reach a reasonable solution to any behavior that is subject to customer abuse stipulated above. However, in the event we determine the behavior to be malicious, we may refuse the use of our facility or cancel the contract based on our general terms and conditions for the accommodation contract.
In addition, in order to respond more appropriately, we will consult with external organizations (police, legal advisors, etc.) and take strict actions, including legal measures.

4.Request to our customers
Upon using the services of a hotel operated by Okinawa UDS Co., Ltd., if, in the unlikely event, any behavior by the customer is confirmed to fall under customer abuse, we will respond promptly and resolutely in accordance with this policy.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.